
Product Overview
Product Features
  • Internal BTPS calculation
  • No calibration needed
  • USB PC connection
  • Lightweight and easy to hold
  • Includes WinspiroPro software

    Smiths Medical (USA-only) provides a complete range of diagnostic spirometry devices with a high degree of technological and functional innovation. The Smiths family of spirometry products and services include diagnostic devices, dedicated software, and telespirometry units and services. Our spirometers’ safety and quality systems are verified by national and independent organizations.

    Smiths spirometers are designed to be patient friendly and easy to operate. Each spirometer uses turbine technology that does not need calibration, and is extremely sensitive to patient airflows. Smiths spirometers provide real time graphical curves, automatic test interpretation, and quality control monitors to evaluate patient performance. An internal temperature sensor provides automatic BTPS (Body conditions: saturated with water vapor at body temperature and ambient pressure) conversion which eliminates the need for manual entry of barometric pressure and/or room temperature.

    Pulse oximetry is an option on most models, with oxygen evaluation and overnight sleep screening modes standard. Smiths spirometers come standard with the WinspiroPro software and interface cables giving the user a complete pulmonary diagnostic system.
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