DLCO Ready to go. EasyOne Pro is the first lung function instrument to allow Single Breath DLCO measurement outside of the lung function laboratory.
- Robust, calibration free
- Color touch-screen interface
- Embedded PC function
- Highly portable
- Small footprint
- Reliability
- Meets ATS/ERS standards
- Perfect alignment of gas and volume signals using TrueFlow
- Ultrasound Technology
- First DLCO device developed using the DLCO simulator
- Convenience
- Calibration Free
- Maintenance Free
- Perform PFT in under 30 minutes
- Instant Results
- Portable
- Cost Effectiveness
- Low cost per patient
- No additional medical staff needed to perform tests
- No service contracts
- Reimbursement 4 times greater than spirometry
- ROI in less than 200 patients