diagnostic x
CTR2150 - 9890-000-86941
Device Description
A metallic (e.g., steel, aluminium alloy) case that houses an x-ray tube to provide appropriate limits for x-ray leakage and adequate insulation to avoid electric risks during a diagnostic x-ray procedure. It includes sheet lead surrounds at appropriate locations to shield unwanted x-ray radiation and collimators near the aperture; it is usually filled with oil to prevent electrical arcs from the high-voltage components of the x-ray tube. The housing also includes attachment points, cooling means, high-voltage cables, and supports for the tube and cable receptacles. It may be an independent unit mounted in a tube support, or under a fluoroscopic table as a component of a radiographic system.
Environmental Conditions
No Data Available
Device Sizes
No Data Available
Device Sterilization
Device Sterile: False
Sterilization Prior To Use: False
Sterilization Methods: No Data Available
Product Codes
Code: ITY
Device Name: Assembly, Tube Housing, X-Ray, Diagnostic
Device Class: 1
Physical State: N/A
Definition: N/A
Submission Type ID: 4
Review Panel: RA
Review Code: N/A
Technical Method: N
Gmp Exempt Flag: N/A
Life Sustain Support Flag: N
Unclassified Reason: N/A
Implant Flag: N
Target Area: N/A
Regulation Number: 892.1760
Third Party Flag: N
Medical Specialty: RA
Device IdentifiersDevice Id: 00884838092501
Device Type: Primary
DeviceId Issuing Agency: GS1
Contains DI Number: N/A
Package Quantity: N/A
Package Discontinue Date: N/A
Package Status: N/A
Package Type: N/A