RGB Video Cable(B)

Product Overview

RGB Video Cable(B) - MB-678

Device Description

A non-patient-contact, insulated, electrical cord with a connector (plug) at both ends designed to transmit electrical power and/or signal (data) between medical devices (e.g., to connect a lead, electrical catheter, handpiece, or monitor to a parent device). It is not intended to connect directly to patient-worn electrodes (i.e., it is not a lead), is not intended to connect to the mains (i.e., not a mains power cable), does not generate any type of power and/or signal, and has no additional non-electrical conducting or processing functionality. This is a reusable device.

Environmental Conditions

No Data Available

Device Sizes

No Data Available

Device Sterilization

Device Sterile: False

Sterilization Prior To Use: False

Sterilization Methods: No Data Available

Product Codes

Code: GCJ

Device Name: Laparoscope, General & Plastic Surgery

Device Class: 2

Physical State: N/A

Definition: Validated reprocessing instructions and reprocessing validation data for this device type must be included in a 510(k) submission if the device is reusable and has specific design features (please refer to Table 2 of 82 FR 26807, available at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-06-09/pdf/2017-12007.pdf).

Submission Type ID: 1

Review Panel: SU

Review Code: N/A

Technical Method: N

Gmp Exempt Flag: N/A

Life Sustain Support Flag: N

Unclassified Reason: N/A

Implant Flag: N

Target Area: N/A

Regulation Number: 876.1500

Third Party Flag: N

Medical Specialty: GU

Device Identifiers

Device Id: 04953170026706

Device Type: Primary

DeviceId Issuing Agency: GS1

Contains DI Number: N/A

Package Quantity: N/A

Package Discontinue Date: N/A

Package Status: N/A

Package Type: N/A

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