Halogen Lamp - MD-151
Device Description
A mains electricity (AC-powered) unit designed to produce light of high intensity, often called cold light, for viewing surgical fields and body cavities during endoscopy (e.g., used with an arthroscope, cystoscope, laparoscope, gastroscope); it may have additional non-endoscopic lighting applications. It is designed as a bench-top unit with controls and a source of bright light [e.g., using a xenon (Xe) light bulb] that is channelled to the endoscope via a light cable to illuminate the site of observation/intervention while minimizing tissue heating.
Environmental Conditions
No Data Available
Device Sizes
No Data Available
Device Sterilization
Device Sterile: False
Sterilization Prior To Use: False
Sterilization Methods: No Data Available
Product Codes
Code: FDS
Device Name: Gastroscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid
Device Class: 2
Physical State: endoscope, accessories associated with gastroscope
Definition: To examine or perform procedures in the stomach. For reusable, flexible endoscopes in this product code, validated reprocessing instructions and reprocessing validation data must be included in a 510(k) submission (82 FR 26807, available at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2017-06-09/pdf/2017-12007.pdf).
Submission Type ID: 1
Review Panel: GU
Review Code: N/A
Technical Method: N
Gmp Exempt Flag: Inserted orally into the stomach
Life Sustain Support Flag: N
Unclassified Reason: N/A
Implant Flag: N
Target Area: stomach
Regulation Number: 876.1500
Third Party Flag: N
Medical Specialty: GU
Device IdentifiersDevice Id: 04953170064319
Device Type: Primary
DeviceId Issuing Agency: GS1
Contains DI Number: N/A
Package Quantity: N/A
Package Discontinue Date: N/A
Package Status: N/A
Package Type: N/A