Heparin Prefilled I.V. Flush syringe 5mL fill in 12mL syringe 100 units per mL

Product Overview

Heparin Prefilled I.V. Flush syringe 5mL fill in 12mL syringe 100 units per mL
McKesson - 191-MIH-3335

Device Description

A sterile device consisting of a barrel (cylinder) with plunger intended to be used to wash the lumen of a vascular access catheter in situ with a rush of solution to maintain patency. It is prefilled with a saline or low-dose heparin solution, and is typically used when a patient has an intravenous (IV) access device in place. It is not intended for dry product reconstitution, for medication dilution, or where IV therapy with sodium chloride (NaCl) or heparin is indicated. This is a single-use device.

Environmental Conditions

No Data Available

Device Sizes

No Data Available

Device Sterilization

Device Sterile: True

Sterilization Prior To Use: False

Sterilization Methods: No Data Available

Product Codes

Code: NZW

Device Name: Heparin, Vascular Access Flush

Device Class: 2

Physical State: Liquid solution

Definition: Enhance the performance of intravascular catheters, to maintain patency of the vascular catheter when it is not in use.

Submission Type ID: 1

Review Panel: HO

Review Code: N/A

Technical Method: N

Gmp Exempt Flag: Physically occupies spacewithin the vascular catheter and exerts pressure on the patient's blood to prevent blood from backfilling into the catheter and clotting.

Life Sustain Support Flag: N

Unclassified Reason: N/A

Implant Flag: N

Target Area: Vascular catheter

Regulation Number: 880.5200

Third Party Flag: N

Medical Specialty: HO

Device Identifiers

Device Id: 40612479247817

Device Type: Package

DeviceId Issuing Agency: GS1

Contains DI Number: 20612479247806

Package Quantity: 16

Package Discontinue Date: N/A

Package Status: In Commercial Distribution

Package Type: Case

Device Id: 20612479247806

Device Type: Primary

DeviceId Issuing Agency: GS1

Contains DI Number: N/A

Package Quantity: N/A

Package Discontinue Date: N/A

Package Status: N/A

Package Type: N/A

Device Id: 10612479247793

Device Type: Unit of Use

DeviceId Issuing Agency: GS1

Contains DI Number: N/A

Package Quantity: N/A

Package Discontinue Date: N/A

Package Status: N/A

Package Type: N/A

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