This reagent is used in slide, tube and microplate tests, for the detection of the A antigen of the ABO blood group system. The package configuration for this product code is three (3) vials of reagent.
Anti-A (Murine Monoclonal) Gamma-clone - 0410203
Device Description
One or multiple immunoglobulins capable of binding to specific antigenic determinants and intended to be used in testing a clinical specimen for group A [ABO001] red blood cell antigens, using an agglutination method.
Environmental Conditions
- 10.00
- 1.00
Device Sizes
No Data Available
Device Sterilization
Device Sterile: False
Sterilization Prior To Use: False
Sterilization Methods: No Data Available
Product Codes
No Data Available
Device IdentifiersDevice Id: 10888234001690
Device Type: Primary
DeviceId Issuing Agency: GS1
Contains DI Number: N/A
Package Quantity: N/A
Package Discontinue Date: N/A
Package Status: N/A
Package Type: N/A