Panther Fusion® Elution Buffer.

Product Overview

Panther Fusion® Elution Buffer.

Device Description

A collection of reagents and other associated materials intended to be used to optimise an assay performed using a nucleic acid technique (NAT) on a clinical specimen. The kit typically consists of a silicone oil to minimize evaporation, buffered solutions for washing steps and reaction stop reagents.

Environmental Conditions

  • Storage Environment Temperature - Degrees Celsius
    • 30.00
    • 15.00

  • Device Sizes

    No Data Available

    Device Sterilization

    Device Sterile: False

    Sterilization Prior To Use: False

    Sterilization Methods: No Data Available

    Product Codes

    Code: OOU

    Device Name: Parainfluenza Multiplex Nucleic Acid Assay

    Device Class: 2

    Physical State: Nucleic Acid Based Assay

    Definition: A parainfluenza multiplex nucleic acid assay is a multiplex in vitro diagnostic test for the simultaneous qualitative detection and discrimination of parainfluenza 1 virus, parainfluenza 2 virus, parainfluenza 3 virus and parainfluenza 4 virus nucleic acids isolated and purified from human respiratory specimens obtained from individuals exhibiting signs and symptoms of respiratory tract infections or viral culture. The detection and discrimination of human parainfluenza nucleic acids from symptomatic patients aid in the diagnosis of human respiratory tract parainfluenza infections if used in conjunction with other clinical and laboratory findings.

    Submission Type ID: 1

    Review Panel: MI

    Review Code: N/A

    Technical Method: N

    Gmp Exempt Flag: Multiplex nucleic acid assay

    Life Sustain Support Flag: N

    Unclassified Reason: N/A

    Implant Flag: N

    Target Area: IVD

    Regulation Number: 866.3980

    Third Party Flag: N

    Medical Specialty: MI

    Code: NJR

    Device Name: Nucleic Acid Amplification Assay System, Group B Streptococcus, Direct Specimen Test

    Device Class: 1

    Physical State: N/A

    Definition: A nucleic acid amplification assay system (including probes, other reagents, and instrumentation) is an aid in the identification of group b streptococci from pre-partum and intra-partum women to establish colonization status.

    Submission Type ID: 4

    Review Panel: MI

    Review Code: N/A

    Technical Method: N

    Gmp Exempt Flag: N/A

    Life Sustain Support Flag: N

    Unclassified Reason: N/A

    Implant Flag: N

    Target Area: N/A

    Regulation Number: 866.3740

    Third Party Flag: N

    Medical Specialty: MI

    Code: OEM

    Device Name: Human Metapneumovirus (Hmpv) Rna Assay System

    Device Class: 2

    Physical State: Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) RNA detection assay systems are devices that consist of reagents and instruments for the detection of hMPV RNA extracted from human respiratory specimens or viral cultures.

    Definition: A qualitative in vitro diagnostic assay intended to detect human metapneumovirus (hmpv) rna extracted from human respiratory specimens or viral cultures. Detection of hmpv rna aids in the diagnosis of respiratory hmpv infection in conjunction with other clinical and laboratory testing in patients exhibiting signs and symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections.

    Submission Type ID: 1

    Review Panel: MI

    Review Code: N/A

    Technical Method: N

    Gmp Exempt Flag: A qualitative in vitro diagnostic assay intended to detect human metapneumovirus (hMPV) RNA extracted from human respiratory specimens or viral cultures.

    Life Sustain Support Flag: N

    Unclassified Reason: N/A

    Implant Flag: N

    Target Area: in vitro diagnostic assay

    Regulation Number: 866.3980

    Third Party Flag: N

    Medical Specialty: MI

    Code: QOF

    Device Name: Multi-Target Respiratory Specimen Nucleic Acid Test Including Sars-Cov-2 And Other Microbial Agents

    Device Class: 2

    Physical State: A closed system disposable pouch that contains all necessary reagents for sample preparation, reverse transcription, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and detection from multiple respiratory pathogens from a single nasopharyngeal swab specimen. The reagent pouch is hydrated with sample buffer and specimen to activate and is placed into an automated instrument to perform the sample preparation, PCR reaction, and detection for result generation.

    Definition: A device to detect and identify nucleic acid targets in respiratory specimens from microbial agents that cause the SARS-CoV-2 respiratory infection and other microbial agents when in a multi-target test is an in vitro diagnostic device intended for the detection and identification of SARS-CoV-2 and other microbial agents when in a multi-target test in human clinical respiratory specimens from patients suspected of respiratory infection who are at risk for exposure or who may have been exposed to these agents. The device is intended to aid in the diagnosis of respiratory infection in conjunction with other clinical, epidemiologic, and laboratory data or other risk factors.

    Submission Type ID: 1

    Review Panel: MI

    Review Code: N/A

    Technical Method: N

    Gmp Exempt Flag: A nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT). PCR-based.

    Life Sustain Support Flag: N

    Unclassified Reason: N/A

    Implant Flag: N

    Target Area: Nasopharyngeal (i.e., upper respiratory) swab specimen.

    Regulation Number: 866.3981

    Third Party Flag: N

    Medical Specialty: MI

    Code: OCC

    Device Name: Respiratory Virus Panel Nucleic Acid Assay System

    Device Class: 2

    Physical State: A qualitative in vitro diagnostic assay intended to simultaneously detect, identify, and/or differentiate multiple respiratory virus nucleic acid extracted from human respiratory specimens or viral cultures. Detection and differentiation of specific virus RNA or DNA aids in the diagnosis of respiratory infections in conjunction with other clinical and laboratory testing in patients exhibiting signs and symptoms of infection with these viruses.

    Definition: A respiratory viral panel multiplex nucleic acid assay is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic device intended to simultaneously detect and identify multiple viral nucleic acids extracted from human respiratory specimens or viral culture. The detection and identification of a specific viral nucleic acid from individuals exhibiting signs and symptoms of respiratory infection aids in the diagnosis of respiratory viral infection when used in conjunction with other clinical and laboratory findings. The device is intended for detection and identification of a combination of the following viruses: Influenza A and Influenza B, Influenza A subtype H1 and Influenza A subtype H3, Respiratory Syncytial Virus subtype A and Respiratory Syncytial Virus subtype B, Parainfluenza 1, Parainfluenza 2, and Parainfluenza 3 virus, Human Metapneumovirus, Rhinovirus, and Adenovirus.

    Submission Type ID: 1

    Review Panel: MI

    Review Code: N/A

    Technical Method: N

    Gmp Exempt Flag: A qualitative in vitro diagnostic assay intended to simultaneously detect, identify, and/or differentiate multiple respiratory virus nucleic acid extracted from human respiratory specimens or viral cultures. Detection and differentiation of specific virus RNA or DNA aids in the diagnosis of respiratory infections in conjunction with other clinical and laboratory testing in patients exhibiting signs and symptoms of infection with these viruses.

    Life Sustain Support Flag: N

    Unclassified Reason: N/A

    Implant Flag: N

    Target Area: In vitro diagnostic device

    Regulation Number: 866.3980

    Third Party Flag: N

    Medical Specialty: MI

    Device Identifiers

    Device Id: 15420045509269

    Device Type: Primary

    DeviceId Issuing Agency: GS1

    Contains DI Number: N/A

    Package Quantity: N/A

    Package Discontinue Date: N/A

    Package Status: N/A

    Package Type: N/A

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