Product Overview
Amplichek I Level 1 (An assayed nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000528
Amplichek I Level 2 (An assayed nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000529
Amplichek I Level 3 (An assayed nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000530
Amplichek I MiniPak (An assayed nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000531
Amplichek I Negative (An assayed nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000527
Amplichek II Level 1 (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000202
Amplichek II Level 1 MiniPak (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000576
Amplichek II Level 2 MiniPak (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000577
Amplichek II Level 2 (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000203
Amplichek II Level 3 MiniPak (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000578
Amplichek II Level 3 (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000204
Amplichek II Negative (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000201
Amplichek II Negative MiniPak (A nucleic acid control.)
Amplichek - 12000575
AmpliClear (An unassayed C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae nucleic acid control.)
AmpliClear - 00127
AmpliPROBE CT/GC (An unassayed C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae nucleic acid control.)
AmpliPROBE - 00138
AmpliTrol CT/GC (An unassayed C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae nucleic acid control.)
AmpliTrol - 00126
Autoimmune EIA ANA Screening Test
Autoimmune EIA - 576AN
Autoimmune EIA ANA Screening Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96AN
Autoimmune EIA anti - Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Test
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2380
Autoimmune EIA anti - Proteinase 3 (PR3) Test
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2420
Autoimmune EIA Anti-?2 Glycoprotein I IgM Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2080
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Cardiolipin IgA Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2040
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Cardiolipin IgG Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2000
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Cardiolipin IgM Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2020
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Centromere Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96CE
Autoimmune EIA Anti-dsDNA Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96DS
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Gliadin IgA
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2220
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Gliadin IgG
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2240
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Jo-1 Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96JO
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Phosphatidylserine IgA Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2160
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Phosphatidylserine IgG Test
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2120
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Phosphatidylserine IgM Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2140
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibodies (ASCA) IgA
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2320
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibodies (ASCA) IgG
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2340
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Scl-70 Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96SC
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Sm Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96SM
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Sm/RNP Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96SR
Autoimmune EIA Anti-ß2 Glycoprotein I IgA Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2100
Autoimmune EIA Anti-ß2 Glycoprotein I IgG Test Kit
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2060
Autoimmune EIA Anti-SS-A/Ro Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96SA
Autoimmune EIA Anti-SS-B/La Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96SB
Autoimmune EIA Anti-ssDNA Test
Autoimmune EIA - 96SS
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2260
Autoimmune EIA Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) IgG
Autoimmune EIA - 425-2280
Autoimmune EIA DNA Conjugate, 15 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 220HDS
Autoimmune EIA DNA Sample Diluent, 30 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 240DD
Autoimmune EIA DNA Wash Concentrate, 60 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 240DW
Autoimmune EIA ENA Conjugate, 15 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 220HSP
Autoimmune EIA ENA Plus Screening test
Autoimmune EIA - 96EP
Autoimmune EIA Sample Diluent, 30 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 230AD
Autoimmune EIA Stop Solution, 15 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 220HAN
Autoimmune EIA Stop Solution, 15 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 220SM
Autoimmune EIA Substrate, 15 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 220TM
Autoimmune EIA Wash Concentrate, 60 mL
Autoimmune EIA - 230AW
PW 41
BIO RAD - 85508
BioPlex - SW4.3 v5.0
25-OH Vitamin D Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.2_v3, US
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.2 V3
25-OH Vitamin D Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633700
25-OH Vitamin D Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633740
25-OH Vitamin D Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633730
25-OH Vitamin D Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633720
25-OH Vitamin D Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6653750
ANA Screen Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631121
ANA Screen Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631101
ANA Screen Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631141
ANA Screen Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631131
ANA Screen with MDSS Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.1_v2
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1_V2
ANA Screen with MDSS Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v2
BioPlex 2200 - SW4_V2
ANA Screen with MDSS Reagent pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651150
ANA Screen with MDSS Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651155
Anti-CCP Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v3
BioPlex 2200 - SW4_V3
Anti-CCP Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633200
Anti-CCP Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633240
Anti-CCP Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633230
Anti-CCP Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6653250
APLS IgA Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632120
APLS IgA Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632100
APLS IgA Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632140
APLS IgA Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632130
APLS IgA Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6652150
APLS IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631920
APLS IgG Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631900
APLS IgG Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631940
APLS IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631930
APLS IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651950
APLS IgG, IgM and IgA Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.1_v1 US Only
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1V1
APLS IgG, IgM and IgA Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW4_1
APLS IgM Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632020
APLS IgM Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632000
APLS IgM Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632040
APLS IgM Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632030
APLS IgM Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6652050
BioPlex 2200 25-OH Vitamin D Assay Protocol File CD SW4.3_v5
BioPlex 2200 - 4.3_v5
BioPlex 2200 25-OH Vitamin D Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 12006553
BioPlex 2200 25-OH Vitamin D Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12006552
BioPlex 2200 25-OH Vitamin D Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 12006555
BioPlex 2200 25-OH Vitamin D Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12006554
BioPlex 2200 Anti-CCP Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1_V1
BioPlex 2200 Instrument
BioPlex 2200 - 6600000
BioPlex 2200 Instrument Sheath Fluid, 2 X 4L
BioPlex 2200 - 660-0817
BioPlex 2200 Instrument Wash Buffer, 1 X 10 L
BioPlex 2200 - 660-0818
BioPlex 2200 Lyme Total 200 Tests
BioPlex 2200 - 12000876
BioPlex 2200 Lyme Total Assay Protocol File CD SW4.3_v1.0
BioPlex 2200 - 4.3_v1.0
BioPlex 2200 Lyme Total Calibrator CD
BioPlex 2200 - 12000878
BioPlex 2200 Lyme Total Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12000877
BioPlex 2200 Lyme Total Control CD
BioPlex 2200 - 12000880
BioPlex 2200 Lyme Total Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12000879
BioPlex 2200 Operation Manual version 4.3 Multiple Language CD-ROM
BioPlex 2200 - version 4.3
BioPlex 2200 Reaction Vessel
BioPlex 2200 - 6602003
BioPlex 2200 Sample Dilution Buffer (1X), 120 mL
BioPlex 2200 - 12006863
BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR Assay Protocol File CD SW4.3_v1
BioPlex 2200 - 4.3_v1
BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 12000652
BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12000651
BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 12000654
BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12000653
BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 12000650
BioPlex 2200 System Operation Manual , Software Version 4.2
BioPlex 2200 - SW Version 4.2
BioPlex 2200 System Operation Manual , Software Version 4.3
BioPlex 2200 - SW Version 4.3
BioPlex 2200 ToRC IgM Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 12000672
BioPlex 2200 ToRC IgM Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12000677
BioPlex 2200 ToRC IgM Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 12000673
BioPlex 2200 ToRC IgM Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 12000678
BioPlex 2200 ToRC IgM Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 12000670
BPX2200, Analyzer System, Refurbishment
BioPlex 2200 - 6600000RM
CD, BioPlex Anti-CCP Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633220
Celiac IgA Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1_v1
Celiac IgA Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW4_v1
Celiac IgA Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632320
Celiac IgA Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632300
Celiac IgA Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632340
Celiac IgA Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632330
Celiac IgA Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6652350
Celiac IgG Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1v1
Celiac IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632220
Celiac IgG Calibrator Set,
BioPlex 2200 - 6632200
Celiac IgG Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632240
Celiac IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632230
Celiac IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6652250
EBV IgG Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v2
BioPlex 2200 - SW4 V2
EBV IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631220
EBV IgG Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631200
EBV IgG Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631240
EBV IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631230
EBV IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651250
EBV IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651350
EBV IgM Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v2
BioPlex 2200 - 6651370C
EBV IgM Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631320
EBV IgM Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631300
EBV IgM Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631340
EBV IgM Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631330
HSV-1 & HSV-2 Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633340
HSV-1 & HSV-2 IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633320
HSV-1 & HSV-2 IgG Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633300
HSV-1 & HSV-2 IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633330
HSV-1 & HSV-2 Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6653350
Manual & CDs, 25-OH Vitamin D IFU, SW4.2_v3 US Only
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.2V3
Manual & CDs, APLS IgA IFU, SW4.1_v1, US Only
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1_1
Manual & CDs, BioPlex 2200, Vasculitis IFU, SW4_v2
BioPlex 2200 - SW4V2
Manual & CDs, EBV IgM IFU, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - 6651360G
MMRV IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632420
MMRV IgG Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632400
MMRV IgG Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6632440
MMRV IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6632430
MMRV IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6652450
Rubella & CMV Assay Protocol File CD, SW4_v3
BioPlex 2200 - SW4_ V3
Rubella & CMV Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633820
Rubella & CMV Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633830
Rubella & CMV IgM Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6633800
Rubella & CMV IgM Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6633840
Rubella & CMV IgM Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6653850
Syphilis IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631420
Syphilis IgG Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631400
Syphilis IgG Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631440
Syphilis IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631430
Syphilis IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651450
ToRC IgG Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631620
ToRC IgG Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631600
ToRC IgG Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631640
ToRC IgG Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631630
ToRC IgG Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651650
U.S Only IFU, Manual & CDs, Anti-CCP IFU, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - 12008626
U.S. IFU (United States) Manual & CDs, BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR IFU 4.3v2
BioPlex 2200 - 12007240
U.S. IFU, Manual & CDs, Anti-CCP IFU, SW4_v3
BioPlex 2200 - SW4V3
U.S. IFU, Manual & CDs, BioPlex 2200 HIV Ag-Ab IFU, SW 4.3_v5
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.3_v5
U.S. IFU, Manual & CDs, BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total & RPR SW4.3
BioPlex 2200 - 4.3
U.S. IFU, Manual & CDs, BioPlex 2200, MMRV IgG IFU, SW4_v2
BioPlex 2200 - SW 4_2
U.S. Only IFU, Manual & CDs, BioPlex 2200 25-OH Vitamin D IFU SW4.2_v3
BioPlex 2200 - 4.2_v3
U.S. Only IFU, Manual & CDs, MMRV IgG IFU, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW 4.1V1
Vasculitis Assay Protocol File CD, SW4.1_v1
BioPlex 2200 - SW4.1 V1
Vasculitis Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631820
Vasculitis Calibrator Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631800
Vasculitis Control Lot Data
BioPlex 2200 - 6631840
Vasculitis Control Set
BioPlex 2200 - 6631830
Vasculitis Reagent Pack
BioPlex 2200 - 6651850
BioPlex 2200 HIV Ag-Ab Calibrator Set
BioPlex® 2200 - 6633405
BioPlex 2200 HIV Ag-Ab Reagent Pack
BioPlex® 2200 - 6653455
BioPlex 2200, HIV Ag-Ab Calibrator Lot Data
BioPlex® 2200 - 6633420
BioPlex 2200, HIV Ag-Ab Control Lot Data
BioPlex® 2200 - 6633440
BioPlex 2200, HIV Ag-Ab Control Set
BioPlex® 2200 - 6633435
BioPlex® 2200 HIV Ag-Ab Assay Protocol Files CD SW4.2_v4
BioPlex® 2200 - SW4.2_v4
BioPlex® 2200 Manual Reagent Pack Piercer
BioPlex® 2200 - 6600306
Chromogen:TMB Solution 1:11 12 mL
Bio-Rad - 26182
Bio-Rad - 12008530
HSV Type 1 Specific IgG EIA Test Set
Bio-Rad - 12008533
HSV Type 2 Specific IgG EIA Test Set
Bio-Rad - 12008531
MULTISPOT HIV-1/HIV-2 Rapid Test 50 Tests
Bio-Rad - 25228
MULTISPOT HIV-1/HIV-2 Rapid Test Negative Control Serum (Human) 1.0 mL
Bio-Rad - 26166
STOP Stopping Solution 1N 15 x 120 mL
Bio-Rad - 25260
Substrate Buffer TMB buf., 120 mL
Bio-Rad - 26181
Wash Solution Concentrate (30X), 15 x 120 mL
Bio-Rad - 25261
Diluent for VCA IgG EIA Tests
Bio-Rad Laboratories - 25189
Bio-Rad Laboratories - 25183
Bio-Rad Laboratories - 25184
Bio-Rad Laboratories - 25185
Measles IgG EIA
Bio-Rad Laboratories - 25181
Mumps IgG EIA
Bio-Rad Laboratories - 25182
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA , Substrate Concentrate
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25276
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA Calibrator
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25269
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Borrelia Blocker
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25272
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Conjugate
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25274
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Negative Control
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25270
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Positive Control
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25271
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Stop Solution
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25277
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Substrate Buffer
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25275
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) EIA, Wash Buffer Concentrate [20X]
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25273
Anti-Borrelia (Lyme) Microplate EIA
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 32507
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25177
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25178
Diluent for Rubella IgM, CMV IgM and VCA IgM EIA Tests
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25188
Diluent for Rubella, Toxo, CMV, HSV, VZV, Measles, Mumps, EBNA and EB EAD IgG EIA Tests
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25186
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25179
PBS For Immunofluorescent Assays, 11.34 gm
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 31098
Rubella IgG EIA
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25173
Rubella IgM EIA
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25174
Slide Blotters, 12-well
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 12000661
Slide Blotters, 24-well
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 12000668
Slide Blotters, 4-well
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 12000666
Slide Blotters, 6-well
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 12000660
Slide Blotters, 8-well
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 12000667
Stop Reagent for Serology EIA Tests
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25191
Substrate for Serology EIA Tests
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25192
Toxoplasma IgG EIA
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25175
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25180
Wash Concentrate for Serology EIA Tests
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - 25190
Calibrator Diluent
Calibrator Diluent - 220-0119
CFX96 Dx and CFX96 Deep Well Dx Systems
CFX96 - 1844095-IVD
CFX96 Dx and CFX96 Deep Well Dx Systems
CFX96 - 1845097-IVD
D-10 - 2200600
D-10 Analytical Cartridge Hemoglobin A1c Program
D-10 - 220-0113
D-10 Analytical Cartridge Hemoglobin A1c Program or Hemoglobin A2/F/A1c Program
D-10 - 220-0212
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program
D-10 - 12000949
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program Analytical Cartridge
D-10 - 12005707
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program Calibrator/Diluent Set
D-10 - 12005706
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program Calibrator/Diluent Set
D-10 - 220-0118
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer 1
D-10 - 220-0110
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer 2
D-10 - 220-0111
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Program REORDER PACK
D-10 - 220-0101
D-10 Hemoglobin A1c Supplemental Reagent Pack
D-10 - 220-0109
D-10 Hemoglobin Testing System
D-10 - 12010405
D-10 Hemoglobin Testing System
D-10 - 2200220
D-10 Sample Vials
D-10 - 220-0149
D-10 Wash/Diluent Solution
D-10 - 220-0112
D-10 Dual Program Elution Buffer 1
D-10 Dual - 220-0210
D-10 Dual Program Elution Buffer 2
D-10 Dual - 220-0211
D-10 Dual Program HbA1c Calibrator/Diluent Set
D-10 Dual - 220-0128
D-10 Dual Program HbA2/F/A1c Calibrator/Diluent Set
D-10 Dual - 220-0218
D-10 Dual Program Reorder Pack
D-10 Dual - 220-0201
D-100 Cleaning Tube
D-100 - 290-1008
D-100 HbA1c Analytical Cartridge/Calibrator Pack
D-100 - 290-1004
D-100 HbA1c Calibrator Pack
D-100 - 290-1006
D-100 HbA1c Elution Buffer A
D-100 - 290-1010
D-100 HbA1c Elution Buffer B
D-100 - 290-1011
D-100 Hemoglobin Testing System
D-100 - 12008984
D-100 Prefilter
D-100 - 290-1007
D-100 Sample Diluent
D-100 - 290-1009
D-100 Wash Solution
D-100 - 290-1012
Geenius Blood Donor IFU & APF v2.0 binder
Geenius - 12012482
Geenius HIV 1/2 Supplemental Assay 20t
Geenius - 72480
Geenius Software V2.0 LIS Guide, US only
Geenius - 12012484
Geenius SW V2.0 & APF V2.0 Installation Kit
Geenius - 12012851
Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Human) GS HBsAg 3.0 - HBsAg Confirmatory Assay 3.0
GS - 32594
Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Mouse Monoclonal) GS HBsAg EIA 3.0 480 Tests
GS - 32591
Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Mouse Monoclonal) GS HBsAg EIA 3.0 4800 Tests
GS - 25258
Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Mouse Monoclonal) GS HBsAg EIA 3.0 960 Tests
GS - 32592
Conjugate 2 Diluent, GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab, 120mL
GS - 12009799
Conjugate 2, GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab, 12 mL
GS - 12009798
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, 4800 Tests
GS - 12003863
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, 960 Tests
GS - 26218
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, 192 Tests
GS - 12009912
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, 192 Tests
GS - 26217
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, 4800 Tests
GS - 12009911
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, Conjugate 1, 10 mL
GS - 26225
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, Conjugate 2 Diluent, 40 mL
GS - 26228
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, Conjugate 2, Lyophilized, 18 mL
GS - 26226
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, Conjugate 2, Lyophilized, 40 mL
GS - 26227
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, Cutoff Calibrator, 1.7 mL
GS - 26224
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, HIV Ag Pos Ctrl, 1.5 mL
GS - 26223
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, HIV-1 Ab Pos Ctrl, 1.5 mL
GS - 26221
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, HIV-2/O Ab Pos Ctrl, 1.5 mL
GS - 26222
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA, Negative Control, 1.5 mL
GS - 26220
GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab, 960 Tests
GS - 12009860
HBsAg EIA 3.0 Conjugate Concentrate, 1.2 mL
GS - 25103
HBsAg EIA 3.0 Conjugate Diluent, 120 mL
GS - 25104
HBsAg EIA 3.0 Low Positive Control, 8 mL
GS - 25110
HBsAg EIA 3.0 Negative Control, 12 mL
GS - 25108
HBsAg EIA 3.0 Positive Control, 8 mL
GS - 25109
HIV-1 Western Blot, Specimen Diluent/Wash (5X), 100 mL
GS - 32574
HIV-1 Western Blot, Strip Folder 10/pkg
GS - 25062C
HIV-1 Western Blot, Strip Worksheet 50/pkg
GS - 25045C
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA Conjugate Concentrate, 12 mL
GS - 25122
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA Conjugate Diluent, 120 mL
GS - 25121
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA HIV Negative Control, 8 mL
GS - 25117
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA HIV-1 Group O Positive Control, 1.4 mL
GS - 25120
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA HIV-1 Positive Control, 1.4 mL
GS - 25118
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA HIV-2 Positive Control, 1.4 mL
GS - 25119
HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA Specimen Diluent, 100 mL
GS - 25123
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 GS HIV-1 Western Blot, (40 Tests)
GS - 32508
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2, GS HIV-2 EIA, 480-Test Kit
GS - 32536
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Types 1 and 2 (Recombinant and Synthetic Peptide) GS HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA 4800 Test Kit
GS - 25256
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Types 1 and 2 (Recombinant and Synthetic Peptide) GS HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA 480 Test Kit
GS - 32588
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Types 1 and 2 (Recombinant and Synthetic Peptide) GS HIV-1/HIV-2 PLUS O EIA 960 Test Kit
GS - 32589
Plate Sealers 25/pkg x 40pkgs
GS - 0210-00
Western Blot Trays & Lids 8/pkg
GS - 12000085
For the collection of human whole blood for the percent determination of hemoglobin A1c using Bio-Rad HPLC methods
Hemoglobin Capillary Collection System (HCCS) - 196-2051
For the collection of human whole blood for the percent determination of hemoglobin A1c using Bio-Rad HPLC methods
Hemoglobin Capillary Collection System (HCCS) - 196-2052
For the collection of human whole blood for the percent determination of hemoglobin A1c using Bio-Rad HPLC methods
Hemoglobin Capillary Collection System (HCCS) - 196-2053
Holder for manipulating the capillaries.
Hemoglobin Capillary Collection System (HCCS) - 196-1054
Plastic capillaries (5 µl) in a dispenser.
Hemoglobin Capillary Collection System (HCCS) - 196-2100
Hemoglobin Variants System Calibrator Set
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0015
Hemoglobin Variants System Cation Exchange Mini-Columns
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0014
Hemoglobin Variants System Control Set
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0016
Hemoglobin Variants System Elution Buffer 1
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0001
Hemoglobin Variants System Elution Buffer 2
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0002
Hemoglobin Variants System Reorder Pack
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0013
Hemoglobin Variants System Wash Solution
Hemoglobin Variants System - 250-0003
InteliQ Assayed Multiqual Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12008256
InteliQ Assayed Multiqual Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12008257
InteliQ Assayed Multiqual Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12008258
InteliQ Assayed Multiqual Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12008259
InteliQ Cardiac Advance Control Level 1 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12016484
InteliQ Cardiac Advance Control Level 2 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12016485
InteliQ Cardiac Advance Control Level 3 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12016486
InteliQ Cardiac Advance Control Level 4 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12016487
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009955
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009961
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1A (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009958
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1A MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009964
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1B (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009959
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1B MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009965
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009960
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009966
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009956
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009962
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009957
InteliQ Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
InteliQ - 12009963
InteliQ Diabetes Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
InteliQ - 12008309
InteliQ Diabetes Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
InteliQ - 12008310
InteliQ Diabetes Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
InteliQ - 12008311
InteliQ Diabetes Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
InteliQ - 12008312
InteliQ Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 1 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
InteliQ - 12008299
InteliQ Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 2 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
InteliQ - 12008300
InteliQ Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 3 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
InteliQ - 12008301
InteliQ Ethanol/Ammonia Control MiniPak (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
InteliQ - 12008302
InteliQ Homocysteine Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
InteliQ - 12004309
InteliQ Homocysteine Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
InteliQ - 12004310
InteliQ Homocysteine Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
InteliQ - 12004311
InteliQ Homocysteine Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
InteliQ - 12004312
InteliQ Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM control.)
InteliQ - 12009948
InteliQ Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM control.)
InteliQ - 12009949
InteliQ Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM control.)
InteliQ - 12009950
InteliQ Immunoassay Plus Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM control.)
InteliQ - 12009951
InteliQ Immunology Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
InteliQ - 12009941
InteliQ Immunology Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
InteliQ - 12009942
InteliQ Immunology Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
InteliQ - 12009943
InteliQ Immunology Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed protein control.)
InteliQ - 12009944
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12008277
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12008278
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12008279
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Control Level LTA (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12008276
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12008280
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12015706
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12015707
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12015708
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level Low (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12015705
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level Low MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12019558
InteliQ Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
InteliQ - 12015709
InteliQ Tumor Marker Control Level 1 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
InteliQ - 12008289
InteliQ Tumor Marker Control Level 2 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
InteliQ - 12008290
InteliQ Tumor Marker Control Level 3 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
InteliQ - 12008291
InteliQ Tumor Marker Control MiniPak (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
InteliQ - 12008292
InteliQ Urine Chemistry Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12009997
InteliQ Urine Chemistry Control Level 1 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12009995
InteliQ Urine Chemistry Control Level 2 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
InteliQ - 12009996
Kallestad Mounting Media
Kallestad - 30403
Kallestad Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptides (CCP) II Microplate EIA
Kallestad - 96CP
Kallestad Anti-dsDNA Microplate EIA
Kallestad - 31008
Kallestad Anti-Mitochondrial Microplate EIA
Kallestad - 31021
Kallestad Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (ANCA) Ethanol IFA
Kallestad - 29403
Kallestad Anti-Tg (Thyroglobulin) Microplate EIA
Kallestad - 31025
Kallestad Anti-TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase) Microplate EIA
Kallestad - 25087
Kallestad Crithidia luciliae 4 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26107
Kallestad Crithidia luciliae 4 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26108
Kallestad Crithidia luciliae 8 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26109
Kallestad Crithidia luciliae 8 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26110
Kallestad Crithidia luciliae Substrate
Kallestad - 30404
Kallestad Crithidia luciliae Substrate
Kallestad - 31069
Kallestad Evans' Blue Counterstain
Kallestad - 30431
Kallestad FITC Conjugate
Kallestad - 30446
Kallestad FITC Conjugate
Kallestad - 30480
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line 12 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26102
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line 12 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26103
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line 12 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26104
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line 24 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26106
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line 6 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26100
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line 6 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26101
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line Substrate
Kallestad - 30471
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line Substrate
Kallestad - 30472
Kallestad HEp-2 Cell Line Substrate
Kallestad - 32583
Kallestad Mouse Stomach Kidney Substrate
Kallestad - 30443
Kallestad Mouse Stomach/Kidney 8 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26111
Kallestad Mouse Stomach/Kidney 8 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26112
Kallestad Mouse Stomach/Kidney 8 Well Slides
Kallestad - 26115
Kallestad Patient Sample Diluent
Kallestad - 31996
Kallestad Sample Diluent, 60 mL
Kallestad - 29407
MONOFLUO Legionella pneumophila IFA Test Kit
Kallestad - 32514
Kallestad ANCA Anti-Human IgG Conjugate, 5 mL
Kallestad ANCA - 29411
Kallestad ANCA Blotting Paper, 10 x 12 Wells
Kallestad ANCA - 29415
Kallestad ANCA Blotting Paper, 10 x 6 Wells
Kallestad ANCA - 29414
Kallestad ANCA Coverslips, 12
Kallestad ANCA - 29413
Kallestad ANCA Evans Blue Counterstain, 1 mL
Kallestad ANCA - 29409
Kallestad ANCA IFA COMBI Slides, 5 x 6 + 6 Wells
Kallestad ANCA - 29419
Kallestad ANCA IFA Ethanol Fixed Slides 5 x 6 Wells
Kallestad ANCA - 29416
Kallestad ANCA IFA Ethanol Fixed Slides, 5 x 12 Wells
Kallestad ANCA - 29417
Kallestad ANCA IFA Formalin Fixed Slides, 5 x 6 Wells
Kallestad ANCA - 29418
Kallestad ANCA Mounting Medium, 5 mL
Kallestad ANCA - 29410
Kallestad ANCA Negative Control, 0.5 mL
Kallestad ANCA - 29408
Kallestad ANCA Phosphate Buffered Saline, 8.6 g
Kallestad ANCA - 29412
Kallestad cANCA Positive Control, 0.5 mL
Kallestad ANCA - 29400
Kallestad pANCA Positive Control, 0.5 mL
Kallestad ANCA - 29401
Liquichek D-dimer Control Level 1 (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.)
Liquichek - 27101
Liquichek D-dimer Control Level 2 (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.)
Liquichek - 27102
Liquichek D-dimer Control Level 3 (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.)
Liquichek - 27103
Liquichek D-dimer Control Level Low (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.)
Liquichek - 27100
Liquichek D-dimer Control MiniPak (A processed human plasma assayed D-dimer control.)
Liquichek - 27102X
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011308
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011343
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 171
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011309
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011344
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 172
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011245
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011310
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 173
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011331
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 12011334
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 172X
Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.)
Liquichek - 501
Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.)
Liquichek - 502
Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.)
Liquichek - 503
Liquichek Rheumatoid Factor Control MiniPalk (A human serum assayed rheumatoid factor control.)
Liquichek - 502X
Liquichek AMH Control Trilevel (A human serum assayed AMH control.)
Liquichek - 12006327
Liquichek ANA Control, Centromere Pattern, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 112
Liquichek ANA Control, Homogeneous Pattern Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 107
Liquichek ANA Control, Mitotic Spindle Pattern, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 118
Liquichek ANA Control, Nucleolar Pattern, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 111
Liquichek ANA Control, Speckled Pattern, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 108
Liquichek ANA Controls Set, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 131
Liquichek Anti-Mitochondrial Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 127
Liquichek Anti-nDNA Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 119
Liquichek Anti-RNP Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 116
Liquichek Anti-Scl-70 Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 117
Liquichek Anti-Sm Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 115
Liquichek Anti-Smooth Muscle Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 129
Liquichek Anti-SS-A Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 114
Liquichek Anti-SS-B Control, Positive (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 113
Liquichek Autoimmune Negative Control (A pre-diluted human serum autoimmune control.)
Liquichek - 130
Liquichek Blood Gas Control Level 1 (An aqueous assayed blood gas control.)
Liquichek - 571
Liquichek Blood Gas Control Level 2 (An aqueous assayed blood gas control.)
Liquichek - 572
Liquichek Blood Gas Control Level 3 (An aqueous assayed blood gas control.)
Liquichek - 573
Liquichek Blood Gas Control Trilevel MiniPak (An aqueous assayed blood gas control.)
Liquichek - 570X
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus CO-Oximeter Control Level 1 (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte, metabolite and CO-Oximeter control.)
Liquichek - 504
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus CO-Oximeter Control Level 2 (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte, metabolite and CO-Oximeter control.)
Liquichek - 505
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus CO-Oximeter Control Level 3 (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte, metabolite and CO-Oximeter control.)
Liquichek - 506
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus CO-Oximeter Control Trilevel MiniPak (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte, metabolite and CO-Oximeter control.)
Liquichek - 505X
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus E Control Level 1 (An aqueous assayed blood gas and electrolyte control.)
Liquichek - 576
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus E Control Level 2 (An aqueous assayed blood gas and electrolyte control.)
Liquichek - 577
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus E Control Level 3 (An aqueous assayed blood gas and electrolyte control.)
Liquichek - 578
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus E Control Trilevel MiniPak (An aqueous assayed blood gas and electrolyte control.)
Liquichek - 575X
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus EGL Control Level 1 (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite control.)
Liquichek - 511
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus EGL Control Level 2 (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite control.)
Liquichek - 512
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus EGL Control Level 3 (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite control.)
Liquichek - 513
Liquichek Blood Gas Plus EGL Control Trilevel MiniPak (An aqueous assayed blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite control.)
Liquichek - 510X
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 1 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016447
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 1 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016472
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 2 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016448
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 2 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016473
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 3 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016449
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 3 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016474
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 4 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016450
Liquichek Cardiac Advance Control Level 4 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12016475
Liquichek Cardiac Marker Plus Control LT Level Low (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 149
Liquichek Cardiac Marker Plus Control LT Level Low MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 149X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT Level Low MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 649X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT Level 1 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 646
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT Level 2 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 647
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT Level 3 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 648
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT Level Low (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 649
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 645X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Control LT Trilevel (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 645
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 181
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 182
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 183
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004806
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 146
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004807
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 146X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1A (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004812
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1A (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 27104
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1A MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004813
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1A MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 27104X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1B (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004814
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1B (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 27105
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1B MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004815
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1B MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 27105X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004816
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 27106
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 297
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004817
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 1C MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 27106X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004808
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 147
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 298
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004809
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 2 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 147X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004810
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 148
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 299
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12004811
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Level 3 MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 148X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control LT Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 298X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 180X
Liquichek Cardiac Markers Plus Control Trilevel (A human serum assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 180
Liquichek Cardiac Troponins Control Level 1 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12001084
Liquichek Cardiac Troponins Control Level 2 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12006239
Liquichek Cardiac Troponins Control Level 2 MiniPak (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12006370
Liquichek Cardiac Troponins Control Level 3 (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12006369
Liquichek Cardiac Troponins Control Level 3 MiniPak (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12006371
Liquichek Cardiac Troponins Control MiniPak (A human based assayed cardiac markers control.)
Liquichek - 12001085
Liquichek CK/LD Isoenzyme Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed CK/LD isoenzyme control.)
Liquichek - 671
Liquichek CK/LD Isoenzyme Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed CK/LD isoenzyme control.)
Liquichek - 672
Liquichek CK/LD Isoenzyme Control Level MiniPak (A human serum assayed CK/LD isoenzyme control.)
Liquichek - 670X
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 291
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 292
Liquichek Diabetes Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 293
Liquichek Diabetes Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Liquichek - 292X
Liquichek Elevated CRP Control Level 1 (A human serum C-Reactive Protein control.)
Liquichek - 254
Liquichek Elevated CRP Control Level 2 (A human serum C-Reactive Protein control.)
Liquichek - 255
Liquichek Elevated CRP Control Level 3 (A human serum C-Reactive Protein control.)
Liquichek - 256
Liquichek Elevated CRP Control MiniPak (A human serum C-Reactive Protein control.)
Liquichek - 255X
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 1 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 271
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 1 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 544
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 2 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 272
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 2 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 545
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 3 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 273
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Level 3 (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 546
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control MiniPak (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 545X
Liquichek Ethanol/Ammonia Control Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed ethanol and ammonia control.)
Liquichek - 272X
Liquichek Hematology Control (A) High (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 868
Liquichek Hematology Control (A) Low (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 866
Liquichek Hematology Control (A) Normal (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 867
Liquichek Hematology Control (A) Trilevel (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 865
Liquichek Hematology Control (A) Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 865X
Liquichek Hematology Control (C) High (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 907
Liquichek Hematology Control (C) Low (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 905
Liquichek Hematology Control (C) Normal (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 906
Liquichek Hematology Control (C) Trilevel (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 904
Liquichek Hematology Control (C) Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 904X
Liquichek Hematology Control (S) Trilevel (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 449
Liquichek Hematology Control (S) Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 449X
Liquichek Hematology Control (X) Trilevel (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 487
Liquichek Hematology Control (X) Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 487X
Liquichek Hematology-16 Control High (A human whole blood assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 763
Liquichek Hematology-16 Control Low (A human whole blood assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 761
Liquichek Hematology-16 Control Normal (A human whole blood assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 762
Liquichek Hematology-16 Control Trilevel (A human whole blood assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 760
Liquichek Hematology-16 Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 760X
Liquichek Hematology-16T Control Trilevel (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 144
Liquichek Hematology-16T Control Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed hematology control.)
Liquichek - 144X
Liquichek Homocysteine Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
Liquichek - 287
Liquichek Homocysteine Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
Liquichek - 288
Liquichek Homocysteine Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
Liquichek - 289
Liquichek Homocysteine Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed homocysteine control.)
Liquichek - 288X
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 12004319
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 267
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 361
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 12004320
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 268
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 362
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 12004321
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 269
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 363
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 268X
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 360X
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 12004322
Liquichek Immunoassay Plus Control Trilevel (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Liquichek - 360
Liquichek Immunoassay Premium Control Level 1 (A processed human serum assayed immunoassay Control.)
Liquichek - 27111
Liquichek Immunoassay Premium Control Level 2 (A processed human serum assayed immunoassay Control.)
Liquichek - 27112
Liquichek Immunoassay Premium Control Level 3 (A processed human serum assayed immunoassay Control.)
Liquichek - 27113
Liquichek Immunoassay Premium Control Trilevel (A processed human serum assayed immunoassay Control.)
Liquichek - 27110
Liquichek Immunoassay Premium Control Trilevel MiniPak (A processed human serum assayed immunoassay Control.)
Liquichek - 27110X
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 12003784
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 591
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 594
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 12003785
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 592
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 595
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 12003786
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 593
Liquichek Immunology Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 596
Liquichek Immunology Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 12003787
Liquichek Immunology Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 590X
Liquichek Immunology Control, Level 1 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 281
Liquichek Immunology Control, Level 2 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 282
Liquichek Immunology Control, Level 3 (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 283
Liquichek Immunology Control, Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed protein control.)
Liquichek - 282X
Liquichek Lipids Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed lipids control.)
Liquichek - 641
Liquichek Lipids Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed lipids control.)
Liquichek - 642
Liquichek Lipids Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed lipids control.)
Liquichek - 640X
Liquichek Maternal Serum II Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed maternal control.)
Liquichek - 402
Liquichek Maternal Serum II Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed maternal control.)
Liquichek - 403
Liquichek Maternal Serum II Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed maternal control.)
Liquichek - 404
Liquichek Maternal Serum II Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed maternal control.)
Liquichek - 403X
Liquichek Microalbumin Control Level 1 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 378
Liquichek Microalbumin Control Level 2 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 379
Liquichek Microalbumin Control MiniPak (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 374X
Liquichek Netherlands Unassayed Chemistry Plus Control Level 1 ( A human serum chemistry and protein control.)
Liquichek - 12000951
Liquichek Netherlands Unassayed Chemistry Plus Control Level 2 ( A human serum chemistry and protein control.)
Liquichek - 12000952
Liquichek Netherlands Unassayed Chemistry Plus Control Level 3 ( A human serum chemistry and protein control.)
Liquichek - 12000953
Liquichek Opiate Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 415X
Liquichek Opiate Control Level 1 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 416
Liquichek Opiate Control Level 2 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 417
Liquichek Pediatric Control Bilevel MiniPak (An assayed pediatric control.)
Liquichek - 178X
Liquichek Pediatric Control Level 1 (An assayed pediatric control.)
Liquichek - 176
Liquichek Pediatric Control Level 1 (An assayed pediatric control.)
Liquichek - 354
Liquichek Pediatric Control Level 2 (An assayed pediatric control.)
Liquichek - 177
Liquichek Pediatric Control Level 2 (An assayed pediatric control.)
Liquichek - 355
Liquichek Pediatric Control MiniPak (An assayed pediatric control.)
Liquichek - 353X
Liquichek Qualitative Urine Toxicology Control MiniPak (A qualitative human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 454X
Liquichek Qualitative Urine Toxicology Control Negative (A qualitative human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 454
Liquichek Qualitative Urine Toxicology Control Positive (A qualitative human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 455
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A) Bilevel MiniPak (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 855X
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A) Level 1 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 854
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A) Level 2 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 855
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A-I) Bilevel MiniPak (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 915X
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A-I) Level 1 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 916
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (A-I) Level 2 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 917
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (C) Level 1 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 826
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (C) Level 2 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 827
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (C) Level 3 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 828
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (C) Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 827X
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (S) Level 1 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 921
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (S) Level 2 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 922
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (S) Level 3 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 923
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (S) Level Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 922X
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (X) Level 1 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 926
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (X) Level 2 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 927
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (X) Level 3 (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 928
Liquichek Reticulocyte Control (X) Trilevel MiniPak (An assayed reticulocyte control.)
Liquichek - 927X
Liquichek Sedimentation Rate Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed erythrocyte sedimentation rate control.)
Liquichek - 514X
Liquichek Sedimentation Rate Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed erythrocyte sedimentation rate control.)
Liquichek - 514
Liquichek Sedimentation Rate Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed erythrocyte sedimentation rate control.)
Liquichek - 515
Liquichek Serum Volatiles Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed volatile compound control.)
Liquichek - 383
Liquichek Serum Volatiles Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed volatile compound control.)
Liquichek - 384
Liquichek Serum Volatiles Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed volatile compound control.)
Liquichek - 385X
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 364
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 365
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 366
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level LTA (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 359
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 359X
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 12015645
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 12015646
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 12015647
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level Low (A human serum assayed immunoassay control,)
Liquichek - 12015644
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Level Low MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 12019576
Liquichek Specialty Immunoassay Plus Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Liquichek - 12015648
Liquichek Spinal Fluid Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human based assayed spinal fluid control.)
Liquichek - 302X
Liquichek Spinal Fluid Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human based assayed spinal fluid control.)
Liquichek - 750X
Liquichek Spinal Fluid Control Level 1 (A human based assayed spinal fluid control.)
Liquichek - 303
Liquichek Spinal Fluid Control Level 1 (A human based assayed spinal fluid control.)
Liquichek - 751
Liquichek Spinal Fluid Control Level 2 (A human based assayed spinal fluid control.)
Liquichek - 304
Liquichek Spinal Fluid Control Level 2 (A human based assayed spinal fluid control.)
Liquichek - 752
Liquichek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM) Level 1 (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Liquichek - 725
Liquichek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM) Level 2 (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Liquichek - 726
Liquichek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM) Level 3 (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Liquichek - 727
Liquichek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM) Level MiniPak (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Liquichek - 724X
Liquichek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM) Trilevel (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Liquichek - 724
Liquichek ToRCH Plus Control, Negative (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
Liquichek - 228
Liquichek ToRCH Plus Control, Negative MiniPak (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
Liquichek - 228X
Liquichek ToRCH Plus Control, Positive (An unassayed (human) Serology control.)
Liquichek - 239
Liquichek ToRCH Plus Control, Positive MiniPak (An unassayed (human) Serology control.)
Liquichek - 239X
Liquichek ToRCH Plus IgM Control, Negative (A human serology IgM Control.)
Liquichek - 230
Liquichek ToRCH Plus IgM Control, Negative MiniPak (A human serology IgM Control.)
Liquichek - 230NX
Liquichek ToRCH Plus IgM Control, Positive (A human serology IgM Control.)
Liquichek - 229
Liquichek ToRCH Plus IgM Control, Positive MiniPak (A human serology IgM Control.)
Liquichek - 229PX
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Level 1 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 27114
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Level 1 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 547
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Level 2 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 548
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Level 2 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 27115
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Level 3 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 27116
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Level 3 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 549
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 27115X
Liquichek Tumor Marker Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Liquichek - 548X
Liquichek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Bilevel MiniPak (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 690X
Liquichek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Level 1 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 691
Liquichek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Level 2 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 692
Liquichek Urinalysis Control Bilevel (An assayed human urinalysis control.)
Liquichek - 435
Liquichek Urinalysis Control Bilevel MiniPak (An assayed human urinalysis control.)
Liquichek - 435X
Liquichek Urinalysis Control Level 1 (An assayed human urinalysis control.)
Liquichek - 436
Liquichek Urinalysis Control Level 2 (An assayed human urinalysis control.)
Liquichek - 437
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 198X
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Level 1 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 12004329
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Level 1 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 195
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Level 1 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 397
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Level 2 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 12004330
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Level 2 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 196
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control Level 2 (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 398
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control MiniPak (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 12004331
Liquichek Urine Chemistry Control MiniPak (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Liquichek - 395X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C1 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 441
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C1 Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 441X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C2 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 442
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C2 Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 468
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C2 Low Opiate MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 468X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C2 Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 442X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C3 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 443
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C3 Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 469
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C3 Low Opiate MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 469X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C3 Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 443X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C4 (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 444
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level C4 MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 444X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 461
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1 Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 466
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1 Low Opiate Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 466X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1 Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 461X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1E (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 438
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1E Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 423
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1E Low Opiate Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 423X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1E Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 438X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1O (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 673
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1O Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 683
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1O Low Opiate MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 683X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1O MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 673X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1S (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 409
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S1S MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 409X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 462
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2 Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 467
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2 Low Opiate Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 467X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2 Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 462X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2E (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 439
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2E Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 424
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2E Low Opiate Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 424X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2E Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 439X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2O (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 676
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2O Low Opiate (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 706
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2O Low Opiate MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 706X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2O MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 676X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2S (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 419
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S2S Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Liquichek - 419X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S3 (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 463
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Control Level S3 Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 463X
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Negative Control (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 460
Liquichek Urine Toxicology Negative Control Minipak (A human urine drugs of abuse control.)
Liquichek - 460X
Liquichek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Liquichek - 12000404
Liquichek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Liquichek - 12000405
Liquichek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Liquichek - 12000406
Liquichek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 4 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Liquichek - 12000407
Liquichek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Liquichek - 12000408
Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level 1 (A human plasma coagulation control.)
Lyphochek - 744
Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level 2 (A human plasma coagulation control.)
Lyphochek - 745
Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level 3 (A human plasma coagulation control.)
Lyphochek - 746
Lyphochek Coagulation Control Level Trilevel MiniPak (A human plasma coagulation control.)
Lyphochek - 745X
Lyphochek Diabetes Control Bilevel (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Lyphochek - 740
Lyphochek Diabetes Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed diabetes control.)
Lyphochek - 740X
Lyphochek Hemoglobin A1C Linearity Set (Hemoglobin A1C linearity verification material.)
Lyphochek - 12000070
Lyphochek Hemoglobin A2 Control Bilevel (A human whole blood assayed Hemoglobin A2 control.)
Lyphochek - 553
Lyphochek Hemoglobin A2 Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed Hemoglobin A2 control.)
Lyphochek - 553X
Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 1 (A human plasma hemostasis control.)
Lyphochek - 597
Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 2 (A human plasma hemostasis control.)
Lyphochek - 598
Lyphochek Hemostasis Control Level 3 (A human plasma hemostasis control.)
Lyphochek - 599
Lyphochek Hemostasis Control MiniPak (A human plasma hemostasis control.)
Lyphochek - 598X
Lyphochek Allergen sIgE Control Negative (An assayed human based allergen sIgE control.)
Lyphochek - 12000141
Lyphochek Allergen sIgE Control Negative MiniPak (An assayed human based allergen sIgE control.)
Lyphochek - 12000143
Lyphochek Allergen sIgE Control Panel A (An assayed human serum allergen sIgE control.)
Lyphochek - 12000142
Lyphochek Allergen sIgE Control Panel A MiniPak (An assayed human serum allergen sIgE control.)
Lyphochek - 12000144
Lyphochek Anemia Control Level 1 (A human based assayed anemia control.)
Lyphochek - 500
Lyphochek Anemia Control MiniPak (A human based assayed anemia control.)
Lyphochek - 500X
Lyphochek Assayed Chemistry Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - C-310-5
Lyphochek Assayed Chemistry Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - C-315-5
Lyphochek Assayed Chemistry Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 313X
Lyphochek Benzo/TCA Control- Set A Level 1 (A human serum assayed benzodiazepines and TCA control.)
Lyphochek - 661
Lyphochek Benzo/TCA Control- Set A Level 2 (A human serum assayed benzodiazepines and TCA control.)
Lyphochek - 662
Lyphochek Benzo/TCA Control- Set A MiniPak (A human serum assayed benzodiazepines and TCA control.)
Lyphochek - 660X
Lyphochek Benzo/TCA Control- Set B Level 1 (A human serum assayed benzodiazepines and TCA control.)
Lyphochek - 663
Lyphochek Benzo/TCA Control- Set B Level 2 (A human serum assayed benzodiazepines and TCA control.)
Lyphochek - 664
Lyphochek Benzo/TCA Control- Set B MiniPak (A human serum assayed benzodiazepines and TCA control.)
Lyphochek - 665X
Lyphochek Drug Free Serum (A human drug free serum control.)
Lyphochek - 456
Lyphochek Drug Free Serum MiniPak (A human drug free serum control.)
Lyphochek - 456X
Lyphochek Endocrine Control Bilevel (A human serum quantitative catecholamines control.)
Lyphochek - 535
Lyphochek Endocrine Control MiniPak (A human serum quantitative catecholamines control.)
Lyphochek - 535X
Lyphochek Fertility Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed fertility control.)
Lyphochek - 481
Lyphochek Fertility Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed fertility control.)
Lyphochek - 482
Lyphochek Fertility Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed fertility control.)
Lyphochek - 483
Lyphochek Fertility Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed fertility control.)
Lyphochek - 480X
Lyphochek Fertility Control Trilevel (A human serum assayed fertility control.)
Lyphochek - 480
Lyphochek Hypertension Markers Control MiniPak (A human based assayed hypertension markers control.)
Lyphochek - 600X
Lyphochek Hypertension Markers Control, Trilevel (A human based assayed hypertension markers control.)
Lyphochek - 600
Lyphochek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Lyphochek - 371
Lyphochek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Lyphochek - 372
Lyphochek Immunoassay Plus Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Lyphochek - 373
Lyphochek Immunoassay Plus Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Lyphochek - 370X
Lyphochek Immunoassay Plus Control Trilevel (A human serum assayed immunoassay and TDM Control.)
Lyphochek - 370
Lyphochek Maternal Serum Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed maternal control.)
Lyphochek - 220X
Lyphochek Maternal Serum Control Trilevel (A human serum assayed maternal control.)
Lyphochek - 220
Lyphochek Quantitative Urine Control Abnormal (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 377
Lyphochek Quantitative Urine Control Bilevel MiniPak (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 375X
Lyphochek Quantitative Urine Control Normal (A human urine assayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 376
Lyphochek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 1 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Lyphochek - 27124
Lyphochek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 2 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Lyphochek - 27125
Lyphochek Specialty Immunoassay Control Level 3 (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Lyphochek - 27126
Lyphochek Specialty Immunoassay Control MiniPak (A human serum assayed immunoassay control.)
Lyphochek - 27125X
Lyphochek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM), Level 1 (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Lyphochek - 451
Lyphochek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM), Level 2 (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Lyphochek - 452
Lyphochek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM), Level 3 (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Lyphochek - 453
Lyphochek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM), MiniPak (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Lyphochek - 450X
Lyphochek Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM), Trilevel (A human serum assayed TDM control.)
Lyphochek - 450
Lyphochek Tumor Marker Plus Control Level 1 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Lyphochek - 367
Lyphochek Tumor Marker Plus Control Level 2 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Lyphochek - 368
Lyphochek Tumor Marker Plus Control Level 3 (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Lyphochek - 369
Lyphochek Tumor Marker Plus Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human based assayed tumor marker control.)
Lyphochek - 368X
Lyphochek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Bilevel MiniPak (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 323X
Lyphochek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Bilevel MiniPak (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 730X
Lyphochek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Level 1 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 731
Lyphochek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Level 1 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - C-320-10
Lyphochek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Level 2 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - 732
Lyphochek Unassayed Chemistry Control (Human) Level 2 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Lyphochek - C-325-10
Lyphochek Urine Bone Markers Control Bilevel (A human urine bone markers control.)
Lyphochek - 406
Lyphochek Urine Bone Markers Control MiniPak (A human urine bone markers control.)
Lyphochek - 406X
Lyphochek Urine Metals Control Level 1 (A human urine assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 400
Lyphochek Urine Metals Control Level 2 (A human urine assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 405
Lyphochek Urine Metals Control MiniPak (A human urine assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 402X
Lyphochek Urine Toxicology Control (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Lyphochek - C-470-25
Lyphochek Urine Toxicology Control MiniPak (A human urine drugs of abuse control)
Lyphochek - 470X
Lyphochek Whole Blood Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 561
Lyphochek Whole Blood Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 562
Lyphochek Whole Blood Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 563
Lyphochek Whole Blood Control MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 560X
Lyphochek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 274
Lyphochek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 275
Lyphochek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 276
Lyphochek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 4 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 277
Lyphochek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control Level 5 (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 278
Lyphochek Whole Blood Immunosuppressant Control MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed control.)
Lyphochek - 279X
Lyphochek Whole Blood Metals Control Level 1 (A human whole blood assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 527
Lyphochek Whole Blood Metals Control Level 2 (A human whole blood assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 528
Lyphochek Whole Blood Metals Control Level 3 (A human whole blood assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 529
Lyphochek Whole Blood Metals Control MiniPak (A human whole blood assayed metals control.)
Lyphochek - 528X
Meter Trax Control Level High (A human whole blood control for glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit.)
Meter Trax - 973
Meter Trax Control Level Low (A human whole blood control for glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit.)
Meter Trax - 971
Meter Trax Control Level Mid (A human whole blood control for glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit.)
Meter Trax - 972
Meter Trax Control Trilevel (A human whole blood control for glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit.)
Meter Trax - 970
Meter Trax Control Trilevel MiniPak (A human whole blood control for glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit.)
Meter Trax - 970X
MONOFLUO Fluorescence Microscopy Slides
MONOFLUO - 32524
MONOFLUO Pneumocystis jirovecii (P. carinii) IFA Test
MONOFLUO - 32515
MONOLISAâ„¢ Anti-HBs EIA 192 tests
MONOLISA - 25220
Anti-HBc EIA, Conjugate Reagent 30 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26193
Anti-HBc EIA, Cutoff Calibrator, 1.5 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26195
Anti-HBc EIA, Negative Control, 0.8 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26197
Anti-HBc EIA, Positive Control, 0.8 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26194
Anti-HBc EIA, Specimen Diluent, 30 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26196
Anti-HBc IgM EIA Conjugate Diluent, 30 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26198
Anti-HBc IgM EIA, Conjugate, Lyophilized, 7.5 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26202
Anti-HBc IgM EIA, Cutoff Calibrator, 1.5 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26203
Anti-HBc IgM EIA, Negative Control, 0.8 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26201
Anti-HBc IgM EIA, Positive Control,1.6 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26200
Anti-HBc IgM EIA, Specimen Diluent, 30 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26199
Anti-HBs EIA Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Human) Horeseradish Peroxidase Conjugate
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26151
Anti-HBs EIA, 10 mIU/mL Calibrator 1.8 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26154
Anti-HBs EIA, Conjugate Diluent 15 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26155
Anti-HBs EIA, Negative Control 1.5 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26153
Anti-HBs EIA, Positive Control 1.5 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26152
Anti-HBs EIA, Specimen Diluent 10 mL
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26156
MONOLISAâ„¢ Anti-HBs EIA Calibrator Kit
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 25219
MONOLISAâ„¢ Anti-HBc EIA 192 Tests
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26186
MONOLISAâ„¢ Anti-HBc IgM EIA, 192 Tests
MONOLISAâ„¢ - 26174
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Level 1 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 337
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Level 1 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 694
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Level 2 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 338
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Level 2 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 695
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Level 3 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 339
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Level 3 (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 696
Liquid Assayed Multiqual MiniPak (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 695X
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Premium Level 1 (A human serum assayed chemistry and protein control.)
Multiqual - 284
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Premium Level 2 (A human serum assayed chemistry and protein control.)
Multiqual - 285
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Premium Level 3 (A human serum assayed chemistry and protein control.)
Multiqual - 286
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Premium Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed chemistry and protein control.)
Multiqual - 285X
Liquid Assayed Multiqual Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum assayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 338X
Liquid Unassayed Multiqual Level 1 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 697
Liquid Unassayed Multiqual Level 2 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 698
Liquid Unassayed Multiqual Level 3 (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 699
Liquid Unassayed Multiqual Trilevel MiniPak (A human serum unassayed chemistry control.)
Multiqual - 698X
CFX Opus 384 Dx
Opus - 12014335
CFX Opus 96 Dx
Opus - 12014330
CFX Opus Deepwell Dx
Opus - 12016687
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2, 4 Well Slides
Pathfinder - 12000150
Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2 Direct Antigen Detection System
Pathfinder - 25215
HSV Type 1 and 2, 2 Well Slides
Pathfinder - 30494
HSV Type 1 Monoclonal Antibody
Pathfinder - 30490
HSV Type 2 Monoclonal Antibody
Pathfinder - 30491
Pathfinder Chlamydia Culture Confirmation System
Pathfinder - 30701
Pathfinder Chlamydia trachomatis 2 Well Direct Specimen Control Slides
Pathfinder - 12000149
Pathfinder Chlamydia trachomatis Direct Specimen Monoclonal Antibody
Pathfinder - 30702
Pathfinder Chlamydia trachomatis Direct Specimen System
Pathfinder - 30704
Pathfinder Chlamydia trachomatis Specimen Slides, 1 well
Pathfinder - 30707
Pathfinder Mounting Media
Pathfinder - 30693
PhD lx
PhD lx - PhD lx
PneumoTrol (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
PneumoTrol - 00129
PyloriTrol (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
PyloriTrol - 00121
Quantase Neonatal Accessory Kit 5 Elution Buffer
Quantase - 532-5040
qUAntify Advance Control Bilevel (A liquid urinalysis control.)
qUAntify - 12007028
qUAntify Advance Control Bilevel MiniPak (A liquid urinalysis control.)
qUAntify - 12007029
qUAntify Control Bilevel (A liquid dipstick urine control.)
qUAntify - 975
qUAntify Control Bilevel MiniPak (A liquid dipstick urine control.)
qUAntify - 975X
qUAntify Plus Control Bilevel (A liquid dipstick and microscopic urine control.)
qUAntify - 962
qUAntify Plus Control Bilevel (A liquid dipstick and microscopic urine control.)
qUAntify - 995
qUAntify Plus Control Bilevel MiniPak (A liquid dipstick and microscopic urine control.)
qUAntify - 962X
qUAntify Plus Control Bilevel MiniPak (A liquid dipstick and microscopic urine control.)
qUAntify - 995X
qUAntify Plus Control Level 1 (A liquid dipstick and microscopic urine control.)
qUAntify - 963
qUAntify Plus Control Level 2 (A liquid dipstick and microscopic urine control.)
qUAntify - 964
Quest Diagnostics Immunoassay/TDM Control (A human serum immunoassay/TDM control.)
Quest Diagnostics - 930
Quest Diagnostics Serum Chemistry Control Trilevel (A human serum chemistry control.)
Quest Diagnostics - 935
Quest Diagnostics Serum Chemistry Control Trilevel (A human serum chemistry control.)
Quest Diagnostics - 945
Quest Diagnostics Tumor Marker Control (A human serum tumor marker control.)
Quest Diagnostics - 955
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP
TOX/See - 194-5184
TOX/See - 194-5221
TOX/See - 194-5225
TOX/See - 194-5228
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, MET, MTD, OPI, THC
TOX/See - 194-5182
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, MET, OPI, PCP, TCA, THC
TOX/See - 194-5230
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, MTD, OPI, PCP, THC
TOX/See - 194-5209
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP, BAR, BZO, COC, MTD, OPI2000, PCP, THC
TOX/See - 194-5183
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP, BZO, COC, OPI, THC
TOX/See - 194-5216
TOX/See Drug Screen Test AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC
TOX/See - 194-5200
TOX/See Drug Screen Test BAR
TOX/See - 194-5185
TOX/See Drug Screen Test BUP
TOX/See - 194-5205
TOX/See Drug Screen Test BZO
TOX/See - 194-5186
TOX/See Drug Screen Test COC
TOX/See - 194-5188
TOX/See Drug Screen Test MDMA
TOX/See - 194-5224
TOX/See Drug Screen Test MET
TOX/See - 194-5190
TOX/See Drug Screen Test MTD
TOX/See - 194-5191
TOX/See Drug Screen Test OPI
TOX/See - 194-5192
TOX/See Drug Screen Test OXY
TOX/See - 194-5203
TOX/See Drug Screen Test PCP
TOX/See - 194-5194
TOX/See Drug Screen Test PPX
TOX/See - 194-5204
TOX/See Drug Screen Test TCA
TOX/See - 194-5234
TOX/See Drug Screen Test THC
TOX/See - 194-5187
VARIANT II - 2702000
VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Analytical Cartridge
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-0182
VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Elution Buffer 1
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-0004
VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Elution Buffer 2
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-0005
VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Hemoglobin A2/F Calibrator/Diluent Set
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-0083
VARIANT II B-Thalassemia Short Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-2103
VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-2154
VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Wash/Diluent Solution
VARIANT II B-thalassemia - 270-2164
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Analytical Cartridge
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2113NU
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Calibrator/Diluent Set
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2115NU
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer A
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2110NU
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer B
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2111NU
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Prefilter
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2425
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2101NU
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c Program Wash/Diluent Solution
VARIANT II Hemoglobin A1c - 270-2112NU
VARIANT II TURBO HbA1c Kit - 2.0 Analytical Cartridge
VARIANT II TURBO HbA1c Kit - 2.0 Calibrator/Diluent Set
VARIANT II TURBO HbA1c Kit - 2.0 Elution Buffer A
VARIANT II TURBO HbA1c Kit - 2.0 Elution Buffer B
VARIANT II TURBO HbA1c Kit - 2.0 Prefilter
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Analytical Cartridge
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Calibrator/Diluent Set
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Calibrator/Diluent Set
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer A
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer B
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Guard Cartridge
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Wash/Diluent Set
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin Testing System WITHOUT Computer
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Elution Buffer A Set
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2713
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Analytical Cartridge
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2725
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Calibrator/Diluent Set
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2722
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Cartridge Set
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2724
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer A
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2717
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Elution Buffer B
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2718
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Guard Cartridge
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2726
VARIANT II TURBO Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT II TURBO Link - 270-2716
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Analytical Cartridge
VARIANT nbs - 250-3003
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Elution Buffer 1
VARIANT nbs - 250-3001
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Elution Buffer 2
VARIANT nbs - 250-3002
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Reorder Pack
VARIANT nbs - 250-3000
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Retention Time Marker Set
VARIANT nbs - 250-3004
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Wash Solution
VARIANT nbs - 250-3008
VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program Whole Blood Primer
VARIANT nbs - 250-3009
VARIANT nbs Newborn Screening System
VARIANT nbs Newborn Screening - 250-3010
VIROCLEAR (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROCLEAR (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROCLEAR (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROCLEAR EBV (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROCLEAR SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROCLEAR - 200500
VIROCLEAR SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROCLEAR - 200505
VIROCLEAR ToRCH (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROCLEAR MuMZ (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL ToRCH-M (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL Chagas (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 00125
VIROTROL Chagas (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL EBV (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL EBV (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL HAV-IgM (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL HBc-IgM (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 00143
VIROTROL HBeAg (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 00144
VIROTROL HIV-1 Ag (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL HIV-1 Ag (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL HIV-1 gO (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 00113
VIROTROL HIV-1 gO (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL HIV-2 (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL HIV-2 (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL HIV-2 (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL I (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL II (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL II (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL II (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL II (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL III (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL III (An unassayed (human) serological control.)
VIROTROL IV (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 00111
VIROTROL Lyme (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 00132
VIROTROL PLUS-R (An unassayed (human) serology control)
VIROTROL - 12000538
VIROTROL PLUS-R (An unassayed (human) serology control)
VIROTROL - 12000539
VIROTROL RPR Panel (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 01400
VIROTROL SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 200300A
VIROTROL SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 200300B
VIROTROL SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 200300C
VIROTROL SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 200305A
VIROTROL SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 200305B
VIROTROL SARS-CoV-2 (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 200305C
VIROTROL Syphilis LR-A (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 00171
VIROTROL Syphilis LR-A (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL Syphilis LR-B (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 00172
VIROTROL Syphilis LR-B (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL ToRCH (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 00109
VIROTROL ToRCH Q (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 00230
VIROTROL ToRCH-M (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL WNV (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
VIROTROL - 00116
VIROTROL MuMZ (An unassayed (human) serology control.)
Wash/Diluent Solution Set
Wash/Diluent Solution Set - 270-2730
Whole Blood Primer
Whole Blood Primer - 220-0148
Whole Blood Primer
Whole Blood Primer - 270-0351
Whole Blood Primer
Whole Blood Primer - 270-0352
GMDN ®. © GMDN Agency 2005-2024.