Quadra whitening tip for use with the the Picasso or Picasso Plus soft
Quadra Tip - QT
Device Description
A mains electricity (AC-powered) device assembly in which input energy is used to excite a diode to emit a high-power therapeutic laser beam intended to cut, excise, vaporize, and coagulate oral tissues in various dental applications such as oral soft-tissue surgery, gingivectomy, to diminish inflammation, and for oral therapy and tooth whitening; it is not a dedicated tooth-bleaching acceleration unit. It includes a portable diode laser light source, flexible fibreoptic delivery cable, and controls/foot-switch; it may include a rechargeable battery.
Environmental Conditions
- 106.00
- 50.00
- 85.00
- 25.00
- 32.00
- 15.00
- 106.00
- 50.00
- 85.00
- 25.00
- 50.00
- 10.00
Device Sizes
No Data Available
Device Sterilization
Device Sterile: False
Sterilization Prior To Use: False
Sterilization Methods: No Data Available
Product Codes
Code: GEX
Device Name: Powered Laser Surgical Instrument
Device Class: 2
Physical State: N/A
Definition: A laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) based device having coherence, collimated and typically monochromatic radiation. Typically indicated to to cut, destroy, remove or coagulate tissue, generally soft tissue, for general surgical purpose in medical specialties of general and plastic surgery, dermatology/aesthetic, podiatry, otolaryngology (ent), gynecology, neurosurgery, orthopedics (soft tissue), dental and oral surgery, and dentistry. The classification regulation 21 cfr 878.4810 describes a device that is carbon dioxide or argon laser intended to cut, destroy, remove or coagulate tissue by the light.
Submission Type ID: 1
Review Panel: SU
Review Code: N/A
Technical Method: N
Gmp Exempt Flag: N/A
Life Sustain Support Flag: N
Unclassified Reason: N/A
Implant Flag: N
Target Area: N/A
Regulation Number: 878.4810
Third Party Flag: Y
Medical Specialty: SU
Device IdentifiersDevice Id: 00851759007105
Device Type: Primary
DeviceId Issuing Agency: GS1
Contains DI Number: N/A
Package Quantity: N/A
Package Discontinue Date: N/A
Package Status: N/A
Package Type: N/A